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Perch Capital MIC


Perch Capital



Risk Profile



Min. investment


Investment Strategy

Fixed Income






Perch Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation aims to provide Canadians with secured financing solutions that help them optimize their current and future residential real estate transactions. Our solutions are meant to be short-term credit facilities with a clear, highly probable and executable exit strategy

Key Reasons to invest

Short-Term Loans

Perch Capital specializes in short-term loans, with average terms of 6 months to 1 year. This approach minimizes the risk of changing circumstances and includes pre-validated exit strategies, often facilitated through our extensive network of over 30 A and B lenders.

Earn a Preferred Return

Investors benefit from a preferred return, as our management fees are only earned after covering all expenses. This ensures that our interests align with yours and underscores our commitment to mitigating risks and protecting your investment.

Pre-Validated and Clear Exit Strategies

Through our brokerage, we have access to over 30 A, B and private lenders. Most of our loans are temporary solutions that are predicated on the client being able to refinance out into another lender.

Full Underwriting of the Deal

Most private lenders strictly lend on property value. We fully underwrite the deal to ensure both the property and borrowers can service the deal. By monitoring deals through to maturity, we identify and manage potential risks before a default can occur.

Project Overview
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Developer Overview
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