Brick by Brick Ep.8 with TCU

Join Scott Spence and Billy Triantafilos of TCU Development Corporation as they dive into the newest project available on the Parvis platform, SoUL @ Aviation, and dig into how TCU has placed themselves on top of the private real estate sector in Ottawa.  

TCU Development Corporation’s latest project, and our newest investment available on the Parvis platform, SoUL at Aviation epitomizes a dedication to excellence. 

SoUL, a multi-residential purpose-built rental property for young professionals, promises optimized investment returns through its upscale design, signature amenities, and integrated services. 

Join Scott and Billy as they cover:

  • Insights into TCU Development Corporation's exceptional portfolio and their strategic approach to real estate development.
  • Investment opportunities within Ottawa's flourishing real estate market, including TCU's latest project, SoUL at Aviation
  • A deep dive into how TCU Development Corporation's human-centric approach strives for the long-term prosperity of your investments.
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