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Equivest Income Fund

Par :

Equivest Capital Partners Inc.

The Class C Equivest Income Fund offers investors consistent monthly income with targeted annual returns of 10%-12%, backed by secured real estate financing.



Profil de risque



Investissement min.

$50,000 ($25,000 for Subsequent Investments)

Stratégie d'investissement

Core Plus




Open-Ended Fund


The Income Fund is a premier choice for investors seeking reliable, steady income from real estate-backed lending opportunities. By specialising in mortgages, construction loans, and land loans, this open-ended fund provides a consistent cash flow through monthly distributions while targeting annual returns of 10%-12%. With a focus on security and stability, the Income Fund minimises risk by financing projects supported by real estate collateral, making it a compelling option for those looking to diversify their portfolio and enjoy predictable returns.

Principales raisons d'investir

Consistent Monthly Income

Benefit from regular cash flow through reliable monthly distributions

Secured Real Estate Asset

Investments are backed by real estate, providing stability and reducing risk. 

Diversified Financing Focus

Gain exposure to mortgages, construction loans, and land loans to ensure a balanced and secure portfolio. 

Tax-Advantage Structure

Eligible for registered accounts like RRSPs and TFSAs, offering potential tax benefits.

Project Overview

The Income Fund focuses on financing projects across Canada, targeting real estate markets with strong fundamental and growth potential. By lending to well-positioned developments, the fund ensures its portfolio is supported by quality assets in high-demand regions.


Equivest Capital Partners brings over 55 years of combined experience in real estate development and investment. With a proven track record of delivering exceptional returns, the firm excels in identifying high-potential opportunities, executing precision development strategies, and managing projects from inception to completion. Leveraging deep industry connections and a hands-on approach, Equivest ensures that every project is meticulously planned and executed to maximise profitability. By partnering with Equivest, investors gain access to a trusted and experienced team dedicated to growing their wealth through strategic real estate developments.

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Developer Overview

Equivest Capital Partners Inc. possède une équipe expérimentée comptant plus de 55 ans d'expertise combinée en développement immobilier et en finance. Equivest offre des rendements élevés en sélectionnant soigneusement les occasions privilégiées dans les principaux marchés canadiens. Les fonds de la fiducie, y compris le Fonds de développement, le Fonds de revenu et le Fonds immobilier, sont conçus pour offrir aux investisseurs une stratégie de placement diversifiée et ajustée au risque avec un rendement annuel cible compris entre 8 % et 20 %. Equivest rend l'investissement dans l'immobilier simple et sans effort en gérant les complexités de la gestion immobilière, permettant aux investisseurs de se concentrer sur la constitution de leur patrimoine de manière confiante et passive.